First of all, Happy 2013! Second, my husband has decided on his own that he is going to try being a vegan and I could not be happier. This means no dairy, meat, eggs or animal products. I did this before we were married for about 6 months and I honestly felt amazing. I can not wait to do it again, but obviously I have to wait until this baby is born. Until then, I am going to support my husband in his ventures and create some amazingly tasty recipes. So the recipe portion of my site is going to become really awesome in the months to come. Check it out!  

So as far as why we would want to be vegan...that is a lot of explaining and really good information...most of which I am not prepared to post today. but I will get on that and post some good info very soon. That will be part II of this post. But don't judge it til you try it :)

Other than that, I wanted to catch up with the posts because it has been a while. And for those of you that read what I write because you love Zion more than me (that's ok. I love him more than me too), then here is what is going on in the life of the shortest, bossiest person in the world. Christmas with a 2 and a half year old was exciting. It was just as fun for Ish and I having a kid on Christmas morning than it was being a kid on Christmas morning.  I think we were up before him, so excited for him to see his presents. The night before Christmas, he stayed up late, running in circles, chanting "SANTA, SANTA, SANTA". He could not contain his excitement. 

On Christmas morning he looked at the gifts and just stood there...I  think he was afraid to come in the room! He had never seen anything like it. And my favorite thing about this Christmas with Zion: He calls the Christmas tree, the "Christmas Treat". I love it!

We are now over 13 weeks pregnant. It has taken a while to sink in, but I'm still as sick as always and my pants don't fit so I'm pretty sure we can get excited now! We took a test we bought at Walgreens to see if it is a boy or a girl. It says on the box that it is 90% accurate, but I'm pretty sure it is only 50% accurate and that is because there are only 2 answers so it's gotta be right once in a while. But a lot of people say it worked for maybe it does Well, it told us it's a girl :)  I'm not decorating for a girl based off of it, but it was fun anyway and I do feel in my heart that it could be a girl. We will see. 

2012 is not a year I would like to re-live and so we welcome 2013! We are hoping to get into a house in the next few months (so Zion can have a yard to run around in). We are looking forward to the birth of our baby, to being healthier this year, and to all of the beautiful things that 2013 will bring. 

And every new year I am reminded (thank you, Pastor Aaron), that I do not need a resolution for the new year. I need a revelation. If I have a resolution, I can change what's on the outside and maybe I can make myself feel better, but if I have a revelation of who Christ is then I can never again be the same from the inside out. Yes, I need a revelation. 
I'm a little behind on the blogging, but my sweet little (big) boy turned 2! I can't believe that it's been 2 years already.  I'll never forget the first time I saw his little purple wrinkly face. In the few minutes before he was born, the Lauryn Hill song "To Zion" started playing and I started weeping...not because I was terrified to push a baby head through my Va-jay-jay for the first time (although that was a thought that was on my mind), but because I was about to meet my son and my world was about to change forever. 
And it did change!  Now I can't shower by myself, or pee alone, or eat off of my own plate without sharing my vegetables with a veggie tales fanatic who wants to save Junior asparagus. But, I like those things quite a bit so I will be sad someday when he is old enough for me to shut the bathroom door and stop sharing my plate. 
On his birthday we took him to the Lego store and let him pick out the Lego (or as he would say "Geggo") set he wanted. He definitely has an opinion about what he likes. We would show him a box and he would say "NO, NO". When he finally found the one he wanted (something with zoo animals in it), he held onto it tight and all he could say is "OH WOW"!!  It was such a fun family day and so exciting to see his little personality and likes and dislikes. 
OH WOW!!!!
I REALLY love this kid!  What a goof ball!!  I can't wait to see what this year brings.  Happy Birthday Big Boy!!!
Happy Mother's Day...
First of all to my Mother, who has taught me to be a patient, gentle, loving mother.  She really is the best mother in the world.  Living so far away from her is not easy.  Especially today.
Today, I'm thankful to be Zion's mommy.  And so glad I got to carry Judah all of his life too.  What an amazing thing to be a mother. 
And, I just wanted to share this link.  This is one of the best things I've read for this mother's day. Enjoy your day, mommies!!
Last night we went to the Laundromat.  I haven't been to a Laundromat in years!  The last time was with my roommate back in my single days when we got bed bugs....but I can't talk about that or I start to itch.  It was not a good time in my life!!
Well, Zion fell asleep in one of the little laundry carts on wheels...I don't know what you call them...but I had Ish take this picture:
If I want a good picture, I have to ask Ish to take it because for some reason I can not, for the life of me, take a decent picture.  Seriously!!  I really appreciate a good photographer because, I don't know what it is, but I just can never get it to look right.  
Well, I wanted this picture, because it's moments like this one when I look at him and want to remember this day forever.  Not that anything special happened...just a normal day. But He is growing up so fast. It makes me sad to think that he is a little boy now instead of a baby.  
Notice his Buzz Lightyear in the corner.  My friend gave that to him earlier in the day, and Buzz is now his new best friend.  Buzz went everywhere with him yesterday. He even fed Buzz snacks and juice. So precious. And as he was sleeping in this basket, obviously exhausted from a long hard day with Buzz, I just wished for a minute that he could stay this way forever. And I remembered that no matter how uneventful our days are, they are still so precious.  
Ish is getting ready to go to Haiti for a week to help with a soccer camp for kids.  He is very excited.  I'm a little nervous...but I know he will be fine.  When he is gone, I'm going to spend my week spring cleaning, organizing, and finishing my list of about 50 sewing and decorating projects. I'm a little ambitious.  We shall see how many of those projects actually happen.  But I'm going to do my best.  If I end up creating anything neat, I'll blog it.
That is all for today.  I'm going to go enjoy my ordinary, non-eventful day with my big almost-2-year-old.
Today, I plan to have a productive day. But...lately I've had to redefine "productive".  It's not as easy as it used to be to get things done around my house now that I have a little boy who wants cuddle time, and the same book read 8 times in a row, and who follows behind me leaving a path of destruction.  So I used to get slightly depressed when a whole day went by and I looked at my house and it looked the same as when I woke up that morning.  Today I woke up and decided that the cleanliness of my house is not worth missing a day of books and walks and making messes with Zion.  So we will see what I end up doing...but it will be productive!! 
And...if you want a great blog to read, check out my friend's blog here. (Well, she was my sister's friend before she became mine, but my sister picks really good friends and sometimes I want her friends to be my friends too).  She's a mom...the kind I hope I can be once I relax a little....and she is hilarious.  
Who could resist spending a day kissing this face?
Praying you all have a "productive" day today!

<3 Gina