I'm a little behind on the blogging, but my sweet little (big) boy turned 2! I can't believe that it's been 2 years already.  I'll never forget the first time I saw his little purple wrinkly face. In the few minutes before he was born, the Lauryn Hill song "To Zion" started playing and I started weeping...not because I was terrified to push a baby head through my Va-jay-jay for the first time (although that was a thought that was on my mind), but because I was about to meet my son and my world was about to change forever. 
And it did change!  Now I can't shower by myself, or pee alone, or eat off of my own plate without sharing my vegetables with a veggie tales fanatic who wants to save Junior asparagus. But, I like those things quite a bit so I will be sad someday when he is old enough for me to shut the bathroom door and stop sharing my plate. 
On his birthday we took him to the Lego store and let him pick out the Lego (or as he would say "Geggo") set he wanted. He definitely has an opinion about what he likes. We would show him a box and he would say "NO, NO". When he finally found the one he wanted (something with zoo animals in it), he held onto it tight and all he could say is "OH WOW"!!  It was such a fun family day and so exciting to see his little personality and likes and dislikes. 
OH WOW!!!!
I REALLY love this kid!  What a goof ball!!  I can't wait to see what this year brings.  Happy Birthday Big Boy!!!
7/2/2012 11:38:00 am

happy birthday zion!! :)


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