

I haven't blogged in a while, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Where to start? 

Zion is a big boy now.  Everyday he seems bigger.  Ish was holding him this morning and he looked like such a big boy. I definitely don't have a baby anymore. 

I have a new hobby....well, it's not really new. Just rekindled. In high school I took a sewing class and I loved it. I didn't sew again until recently because I did not have a sewing machine until a few months ago when my hubby came home and surprised me!  So I've been sewing like crazy. I love it. I've started a tiny little business sewing purses, baby clothing, whatever else I feel like sewing. It's good to have an outlet for my creativity.  Really good. I don't love to use patterns...most patterns are kind of cheesy. I just kind of wing it- sometimes use patterns for the base but then change it to make it my own, and so far it's been working. 

I turned 30 last week.  That really does sound old. Ha!  I'm slightly depressed that my 20's are over, I'm not gonna lie. But, when I reflect on how amazing God is and all of the beautiful things he has blessed me with, I can't help but be excited for all that is to come in my "30's". I'm sure there are good things ahead. I do feel so much more secure with who I am than I did a few years ago. I would trade my 20's for my 30's any day if it means that I can be this free, secure in who I am, and alive in Christ and who he has made me to be. The last few years have been more than I could have ever imagined.  I married the man of my dreams. (Even when everyone around me may have thought I had set my hopes too high, I found the perfect man anyway). I got to experience pregnancy and birth and fall in love with this little person God created inside of me. What an amazing miracle. I have also discovered my passions. Mostly, being able to empower women. Especially in the area of birth.  I have decided I am going to go back to school to become a midwife because that is, without a doubt, my passion. What an amazing thing it would be to help women be in control of their birth experience. I know there are lessons to be learned in the labor and delivery process that God meant for us to learn. I also know that giving birth is so empowering to women. It makes sense to me that an encounter with God can be gained through a great birth experience and women have to fight for it to get it! With all of the hospital protocol, women can lose themselves and feel completely controlled and diminished when they give birth if they don't know how to stand up for themselves. My passion is to help women stand up for themselves and have the birth they chose. So I feel now, more than ever, that I have direction for the future. 

We are in a good season. God is teaching both Ish and I just simply that he is a good father. We don't deserve how good He is to us, but He is just good. He doesn't withhold good things from us. He doesn't treat us as we deserve. Being a mother teaches me more about Jesus everyday. This 2 year old phase is NOT easy. I am pretty sure I have the most stubborn child in the world. He knows what he wants and he will fight for it until he can't fight anymore. Usually, Ish and I win...but only after a 2 hour tantrum. Someday I'm sure this kid is gonna change the world. But for now, he drives us crazy. I mean, seriously, CRAZY. But at the end of the day, no matter how crazy I feel, I still love him fiercely. Makes no sense to me. 

I've noticed that a lot of people are reading my blog daily. I'm honored and I'm praying for all of you...that you find what you are passionate about and run after it. Thank you for reading what I write.  I pray I can be an encouragement to you.