Today, I plan to have a productive day. But...lately I've had to redefine "productive".  It's not as easy as it used to be to get things done around my house now that I have a little boy who wants cuddle time, and the same book read 8 times in a row, and who follows behind me leaving a path of destruction.  So I used to get slightly depressed when a whole day went by and I looked at my house and it looked the same as when I woke up that morning.  Today I woke up and decided that the cleanliness of my house is not worth missing a day of books and walks and making messes with Zion.  So we will see what I end up doing...but it will be productive!! 
And...if you want a great blog to read, check out my friend's blog here. (Well, she was my sister's friend before she became mine, but my sister picks really good friends and sometimes I want her friends to be my friends too).  She's a mom...the kind I hope I can be once I relax a little....and she is hilarious.  
Who could resist spending a day kissing this face?
Praying you all have a "productive" day today!

<3 Gina
4/19/2012 02:48:34 am

:) i've devoted my afternoon to reading your blog. love it. and happy to be your friend! LOL


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