I know I haven't blogged in a long time. I realized that I haven't written for a really dumb reason. Basically, it boils down to the fact that I wrote my heart out on a subject and I got someone didn't appreciate my opinion. Well, it took me a long time (until tonight actually) to decide that I don't care anymore. 

I was reading through my old entries, and I just realized that there are so many sweet little memories that I have of Zion that I wrote down. I would have forgotten them had it not been for this blog. And I also realized that i am SO behind on any details of the life of Zeke. So I have a lot of catching up to do. 

Zeke is the opposite of Zion in every single way imaginable. It is hilarious. Zion likes things neat and orderly. Zeke likes things in total chaos and ruin. Zeke has an unspoken rule that if something is sitting on a table or sofa, he has to immediately throw the object onto the floor. Ezekiel Jude spends most of his days roaming my house in a search and destroy mission. He throws books from shelves, toys from baskets, and tuperwear from cupboards. Gone are the days where I could fold clothes, clean dishes, mop my floors or do anything that remotely resembled a household chore. Now my days consist of making sure Zeke doesn't hurt himself or others or destroy anything important or throw anything of value into the trash can.  I can no longer pour myself a cup of coffee and set it on the end table next to the sofa. Are you kidding me? That would be spilled all over my livingroom floor in 0.6 seconds. 

So in all of that, Zeke and Zion are the best of friends and the worst of enemies. And I sit back and watch it all and laugh on the inside. When Zion is at preK, Zeke roams the house calling "Bubba"?? It breaks my heart a little. But the second Zion comes home from school, then it begins. "Mom!! Zekie spilled my toys out of the box!! Mom!! Zekie keeps movin' my legos!". Mom! Zekie is stealin' my juice". Oh my! It is quite entertaining.

Zeke is in the stage right now where he has very strong opinions about how he thinks things should go for him, however, he doesn't have the language skills to back up his demands. So most of my day is spent listening to toddler tantrums and high pitched screams. I just tell myself it is a phase. Zion went through it. Zeke is going through it. He will be fine. It will pass. I will come out of this sane. I hope.

Ezekiel's new favorite things: 
1. Playing the harmonica (I let him keep a harmonica in his crib just for my personal entertainment value).
2. Wearing his backpack everywhere. Although, it is massive when he puts it on his back. 
3. Wearing his new shoes ALL. THE. TIME. Even to bed some nights
4. Shaking his head "yes" and saying "UH HUH" to everything you ask him. Except for when you ask him, "do you want to go nigh night in your bed?". That is the only thing that gets a firm head shake "NO" and an "UH UHHHH". 

Zion's new favorite things:
1. Legos (and if one tiny piece goes missing the whole world must stop to find it).
2. a show on PBS called Ruff Ruffman. I'm sorry, Folks. It is a really really dumb show. Sometimes Ish and I feel that if we have to watch one more second of it we might lose our minds and become permanently brain damaged.
3. Eating peanut butter and Jelly for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Which leads me to one more opposite: Zion is tiny and seems to be not growing at the rate of his peers. Part of the blame of that lies on me and his dad because we are not overly tall people and I am pretty small. But the other part of the blame for his stunted growth may lie in the fact that all he EVER wants to eat is peanut butter and jelly. He will go hungry if we don't feed him PB&J. Many times I say, "this is what I made for dinner and this is what you are going to eat", but he just plain won't eat it. So eventually, I worry about his hunger strikes and go back to PB&J because I would like him to live and not starve himself to death. Zeke on the other hand: This kid can EAT. He will eat whatever he can find and he will not stop (until you give him the option of playing outside. In his world, playing outside trumps anything else he wants in life).

These two boys have lived two very different lives. When Zion was Zeke's age, I had time to do laundry and locate all of his missing sippy cups. Zeke - he doesn't get snippy cups. He gets to drink out of a real cup. He has lost so many sippy cups that his college education fund has already been wasted on replacement sippy cups. I am so over it. I am so over wasting hours a day looking for lost sippy cups. I suspect about 75% of those missing sippy cups probably ended up thrown into the trash can because he is obsessed with throwing things in the trash. So this kid gets to be a man and drink from a real cup because I will not buy one more sippy cup. 
In other news: My doula business has really taken off. I have attended almost 30 births over the last year or so and I'm starting to feel more confident. I'm also getting some great business and my first repeat client (and more repeat clients to come). It's exciting to realize that I started a business and I am running it and it is thriving. All by myself! I am my own boss. I don't set my own hours; the babies set my hours. But besides that, I couldn't' ask for more. I love it and I am good at it and I know I am doing what I was made to do. I am excited to see where this goes for me this year!

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