I want to know WHO taught my son the word "candy"! At breakfast, lunch, dinner, bath time, play time, diaper change time, just about every second of the day, he is asking me for "andy? andy?".  He doesn't pronounce the "c" but I know what he wants and it's driving me insane.  Except for the hidden stash of remaining Easter candy, we don't even keep candy in this house!  Where does he learn these things?
So my quest for today is to find some healthy, sweet things I can make him that I will call "candy".  But we will all know that they are not really "candy".  Poor little guy.  His sweet tooth is taking over. So if I am successful, I'll add some recipes.
Ish returned home safe and sound from Haiti.  Ended up that he stayed in a really nice resort on the beach and suffered greatly the whole time.  He really did have a great time and was so excited to share his stories and pictures.  He wants to go back again. 
I did miss him...a lot.  But I also had a very productive week.  I re-organized and re-decorated.  I already loved our apartment, but now it's set up the way I want it and it makes it so much more relaxing to have things where i want them.  I also made a Pinterest project.  It cost me nothing and it worked out perfectly!! 
As I said before...I am horrible at taking pictures.  So this is what you get.  You get the point.  
When I first learned about Pinterest, I thought it was the neatest thing ever.  I spent hours looking at pictures of stuff.  And then all of a sudden I started realizing that my house wasn't cute enough, I didn't make enough fancy deserts, I didn't have a garden, My kid's room wasn't organized enough, I didn't have fancy decorations for every holiday, I wasn't stylish, or thrifty enough, my DIY skills were awful, and I didn't do enough art projects with my toddler. I apparently am not a person who can spend hours on Pinterest and come out unscathed.  It snuck up on me when I least expected it, and I admit I got sucked in. All of a sudden, I was viewing my world from the outside in instead of the inside out.  All of those pictures of "things" made me look at all of the things in my world, and all of a sudden I had this ugly feeling of discontent settle in my heart. And I did not like it one bit.  I wanted to go back to the days before Pinterest, when I was pretty confident in my mothering and wife skills.  When I was more focused on who God says I am than who Pinterest says I am.  
So I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest.  I basically use it if I have a project in mind that I want to do and I need ideas.  I'll look up that specific thing.  But I don't like to sit and look at pages full of pictures of stuff.  Just not my thing. 
What about you? What are your thoughts on Pinterest?  
5/11/2012 04:57:27 am

5/11/2012 05:00:02 am

apparently I didn't know what I was doing the first time I commented... anywho- I think you are amazing my friend and I love your writing!!! Keep it up!

5/12/2012 01:14:21 am

Ha! I don't know how to comment either. This is why it took me forever to start replying to my comments. Thank you for reading :) !!

Amy Friesema
5/11/2012 12:26:37 pm

I totally agree. I joined Pintrest and look on it for ideas maybe once every couple of weeks but really not being creative, its kind of a big waste of time and energy for someone like me I mainly use it to find recipes. There are so much more important things in life and better ways to spend our time than on that dumb site. I don't need to measure up my noncreative life with the martha stewarts of the world.

5/12/2012 11:46:06 pm

Well, I've never been able to log into pinterest. Everytime I get and try to set it up through my email or Facebook, it kicks me out or says my password is wrong. Maybe God is trying to protect me! I have been able to view the pictures and I can see how it could become a negative source of time consumption. :)

5/12/2012 11:46:50 pm

Ps. Candy? Apples and honey might work!

5/13/2012 01:22:08 am

HAHAHA!! So, I tried apples and honey this morning. He looked at me and said (very confidently) "NO NO NOOOOO". hahaha...where does he get his attitude from???

5/13/2012 02:04:57 am

Haha! Well you tried!!!!!

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