Quinoa (make by following package instructions)
cream cheese (a large scoop to taste)*
1/4 cup chopped spinach
1/4 diced tomatoes
1/4 teas garlic powder or fresh garlic
sea salt to taste
1/4 teas mustard powder
6 large mushroom caps for stuffing
shredded Mozzarella cheese*
                                                                   *you can buy vegan versions of these ingredients if you want this         
                                                                    recipe to be vegan

Directions: Rinse and Cook Quinoa according to package instructions. Remove from heat and put spinach and tomatoes in the pan. Cover to let tomatoes and spinach cook slightly in the steam that is already in the pan. 
After about 5 minutes, mix together and fluff quinoa with a fork. Add seasonings and cream cheese. Fill the mushroom caps. top with Mozzarella cheese. Put them on a baking sheet and put them under the broiler for about 6 minutes or until cheese is slightly brown.

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