This one is for my friend Cassandra who loved this and wanted the recipe...I got this recipe Here but I modified it to make it work for me.  And of course!, lately I have been slacking on pictures.  I won't do it again after this!  I'll start taking pictures of everything I eat.  My husband is going to love that!

3 Zucchinis
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBLS sour cream
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/2 tomato (remove seeds before cutting)
1 tsp thyme
Cheddar cheesea
About 4 slices of bacon or pancetta (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash the zucchini. Cut the zucchini in half and scoop out all of the "guts" in the middle (but save these because you will need them for the filling).  Place empty Zucchini shell halves on slightly greased cookie sheet. In a pan, sautee the zucchini "guts" in a small amount of butter or oil just to brown it slightly.  When it is almost cooked and you only have about 30 seconds to go, mix the curry powder in the pan.  You do not want to cook this for more than 30 seconds.   Remove this from the pan and scoop it into a mixing bowl.  Cook the bacon until it is crispy (you don't need to add bacon. It's still good without it, but my husband LOVES bacon so I usually find that adding bacon seems to increase the likelihood that vegetables will get eaten in my house).  Seed the tomato so there is not a lot of juice and dice the remaining part of the tomato (too much juice from the tomato will make the filling too runny. You don't want this).  Add Bacon, tomato, sour cream, salt, pepper, and thyme to the sautéed zucchini mixture.  Scoop the filling into the empty zucchini shells.  Top with cheddar cheese.  Cook in the oven for about 20 minutes.  Turn on the broiler for a couple of minutes at the end if you want to brown the cheese.  
Ok, this may sound strange, but it's very good.  I took pictures of how beautiful this looked when it was done, but my pictures got deleted :(  And of course, the food got eaten so I can't take another picture.  Next time I make this, I'll have to come back and add the picture.

I think my mom made this one time. However, she doesn't remember making it.  So if she didn't make it, then I have no explanation of where I got it from.  

Salt and pepper
Butter (optional)
Sugar in the raw to taste

Steam or cook the asparagus however you like it.  In a food processor blend a small amount of strawberries (maybe 1/4 cup) to make a puree.  Add the puree to about a cup of sliced strawberries along with sugar in the raw.  You don't want it to be overpoweringly sweet.  Just slightly.  Season the asparagus (butter, salt and pepper) and spoon the strawberry mixture on top.