Okay, so I just found this stuff and it's pretty amazing.  It works wonders for me so I started to research what in the world this stuff is, and here are some things I found.

This is a super food.  Do you remember learning about Chlorophyll in science class?  It is the life line of plants!  Well, amazingly it is also very similar to hemoglobin.  And hemoglobin is critical to the health of our blood.  Our blood is mostly made up of hemoglobin.  So when Chlorophyll is ingested, it helps do the job of hemoglobin.  It's an instant energy boost and it helps clean and replenish our red blood cells.

Not only that, it is said to help detoxify and protect our bodies from carcinogens, it's a strong antioxidant, it's high in vitamins A, C and E, it helps remove toxic metals from our bodies, it helps with inflammation and aids in digestion, it helps our body's tissues destroy germs, it treats bad breath, it helps deliver oxygen to our cells, it contains folic acid, protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins K and C.

Obviously, you should also be eating green veggies to get chlorophyll, but the liquid chlorophyll is an easy way to get more, and the brand I have tastes pretty good.  It's just slightly minty so it tastes like mint water. I crave it. I just follow the directions on the bottle and I put a teaspoon of it into 8 oz of water 2 times per day.

So here is something completely naturally made by God and it does all of these amazing things. Just another reminder to me that God really knows exactly what I need and everything he has made is good and perfect and has a purpose.  

4/19/2012 03:33:13 am

i love liquid chlorophyl! i drink it daily!


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