My son started daycare two days a week.  He brought home lots of cute drawings, which I hung on our fridge.  He also brought home a tracing of his hands, which I will be saving forever because it is adorable.  And he brought home a cold too, and he shared it with Daddy and Me.  He is so thoughtful.
So we are drinking chamomile tea with lemon and honey.  It's pretty tasty...and good for you.  I even gave Zion some in his sippy cup.  He laid down on the floor with his cup and said "nigh night".  apparently that means, "thanks mom, leave me alone now". 
Chamomile is even supposed to help babies with teething pain. 
If you want to read more about the benefits of Chamomile, check this out: http://www.teabenefits.com/herbal-tea-benefits/chamomile-tea-benefits.html